
Archived in the category: Announcements, Events, General Info
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 18 Sep 14 - Comments Off on Adopt-A-Beach

Help clean up our shores!

Saturday, Sept. 27 8:30 a.m. – Noon

Boggy Nature Park: 361-573-2428

King Fisher Beach: 361-649-3261

Magnolia Beach/Indianola Crabbin’ Bridge: 361-552-9747

Austwell Pier: 361-286-3762 or 361-250-5484

What’s Up?

Archived in the category: Events, General Info, What's Up
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 18 Sep 14 - Comments Off on What’s Up?

AA meets each Saturday night at 7 p.m. at First Baptist Church Fellowship Hall in Port O’Connor.

POC Lions Club meets the second Wednesday of each month, 4:00 p.m. at Port O’Connor First National Bank

Seadrift Chamber of Commerce meets the third Thursday of each month, 6:00 p.m. at First National Bank meeting room, Seadrift

Commissioner’s Court meets the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of each month at 10 a.m., 1st Floor of the Court House, Port Lavaca.

Crossroads Astronomy Club meets at 7:00 p.m., third Mondays, at U of H, Victoria, Room 223 info:   935-2016

Calhoun County Quilt Guild meets the first Wednesday of each month at 9:30 a.m. at the Fairgrounds Exhibit Building.

Calhoun County Democratic Club meets the last Thursday of the month at IBC Bank, Port Lavaca, at 5:30 p.m.

Calhoun County Republican Club meets first Monday of each month 6:00 p.m. at the Episcopal Church Community Room, 213 E. Austin, Port Lavaca.

CASA (Christians Against Substance Abuse) meets each Thursday from 7-8 p.m. Call 361-652-7451 for meeting place.

Friday Night Youth every Friday except the first Friday of each month, 7:00 to 10:00 p.m., Fisherman’s Chapel, Port O’Connor

First Baptist Youth Group (Port O’Connor) meets every Wednesday night from 6:00-7:00 p.m. Grades 6th – 12th; Team Kids Grades 1-5

Port O’Connor Cemetery Association meets 3rd Thursday of each month at POC Community Center

Ladies Bible & Book Study is held every Tuesday at 5:00 p.m. at First Baptist Church Fellowship Hall in Port O’Connor

VFW Post 4403 meets first Tuesday of each month. 552-3886
Open Mon-Friday; Closed Weekends R. Guitierrez 210-872-1198

Sept. 19-21    “The Cover of Life” 8 pm Fri & Sat; 2 pm Sun.  Port Lavaca Main Street Theatre

Thurs., Sept. 25    Calhoun County Democrats Club 6:00 pm American G.I. Forum, 2718 W. Main, Port Lavaca

Sat., Sept. 27    Adopt-A-Beach 8:30 am

Thurs., Oct. 2    Port O’Connor Service Club 10:00 am Port O’Connor Community Center

Mon., Oct. 6    Calhoun County Republican Club 6:00 pm Grace Episcopal Church, Port Lavaca

Tues., Oct. 7    Night Out Against Crime 6:00-7:30 pm Port O’Connor School

Tues., Oct. 7    Seadrift City Council 7:00 pm Seadrift City Hall

Tues., Oct. 7    Bunco 7:00 pm Port O’Connor Community Center

Sat., Oct. 11    San Antonio Bay Day 8:30-1:00 Seadrift Bayfront Park

Sat., Oct. 11    Roll Off Bin at 16th & Harrison, POC
8:30-4:00    Port O’Connor Improvement Dist. Customers Only

Sat., Oct. 11    Market Day by the Bay 9:00-2:00 Seadrift Bayfront Park

Sat., Oct. 11    Calhoun County Fair Parade 10:00 a.m. Port Lavaca

Oct. 14-18    Calhoun County Fair

Sat., Oct. 18    POC CCA Banquet 5:30 pm Port O’Connor Community Center

Tues., Oct. 21    Meet & Greet Republican Candidates 5:00-7:00 pm Seadrift Civic Center

Sat., Oct. 25    Chili, Gumbo Cookoff at Hurricane Junction Fund Raiser for Port O’Connor Library

Calhoun County Youth Participates in Texas Wildlife Leadership Camps

Archived in the category: General Info
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 18 Sep 14 - Comments Off on Calhoun County Youth Participates in Texas Wildlife Leadership Camps

San Antonio, TX – Calhoun County resident, Stetson Dierlam of Port Lavaca, participated in the Texas Brigades summer leadership camps in June and July. He was among one hundred sixty-five high school students that took part in this award-winning leadership development program.

The Texas Brigades’ mission is to educate and empower youths with leadership skills and knowledge in wildlife, fisheries, and land stewardship to become conservation ambassadors for a sustained natural resource legacy.

There are seven Brigade camps each summer; two Buckskin Brigades, two Bobwhite Brigades, Bass Brigade, Waterfowl Brigade, and the newest addition, Ranch Brigade. They are held on private ranches in various locations across Texas. Participants must be between 13 to 17 years of age, and submit a complete application for consideration. Dates for 2015 will be available no later than January 1st.
Brigade graduates are available to give presentations to schools and civic groups.

For more information,, or contact Helen Holdsworth, Executive Director, at 855-TXBRIGS, or via email at

What’s Happening At First Baptist Church? By Doyle Adams

Archived in the category: General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 18 Sep 14 - Comments Off on What’s Happening At First Baptist Church? By Doyle Adams

The Church was filled with members and visitors this past Sunday Morning. It was a pleasure greeting the family of Judy and Henry Anderson and Grady Jean and Kenneth Clark. Bro. Donnie Martin’s sermon was outstanding and you could feel the presence of the Holy Spirit. The Children’s Sermon by Bro. Raymond Grant was very good for the Adults as well as for the children. It was a story of showing love and respect for your friends and family.

The Church a cappella Choir sang the beautiful Hymn “We Bow Down”, which was appreciated by everyone.

The “Reach Texas” State Mission Offering is now underway. All donated funds will go to Texas Missionary causes, which are being really drained by providing food and housing for the children coming across the Mexican Border.

Several of our Senior Adults are preparing for the Fall Senior Retreat at Camp Zephyr on The Banks of Lake Corpus Christi. The count now stands at ten who will be making the trip, Monday, September 22 through Thursday, September 25.

During the Morning Service on Sunday, September 28 at 11:00 AM, the Church will celebrate the Ordinance of the Lord’s Supper. Every baptized believer is invited to participate and partake of the Lord’s Supper with our Church members and guests.

The Church Quarterly “Birthday Bash”, celebrating with all those having Birthdays in July, August and September, will be Sunday Evening, September28 at 6:00 p.m. in Fellowship Hall. This “Big Bash” will be a “Homemade Ice Cream Party”. After a Devotion by Pastor Donnie Martin and singing “Happy Birthday” to the Celebrants, everyone will enjoy a feast of Ice Cream and Cake. A Happy Time of Fellowship will follow. Everyone is invited to attend.

See You In Church Sunday!

Roll Off Bin October 11

Archived in the category: Announcements, General Info
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 18 Sep 14 - Comments Off on Roll Off Bin October 11

Attention Port O’connor water and sewer customers, it’s trash day October 11, 2014

A 30 cubic yard roll off bin will be located at 16th. And Harrison for customers of the Improvement District. The bin will be available on Saturday, October 11, 2014 from 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Customers only may deposit large items such as carpet, mattress, stove, furniture, etc. Customers sign in with their name and physical address. No commercial waste; this is for residential waste only. No paint, gas cans, tires, or unacceptable waste in the bin.

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