Port O’Connor Chamber Chat by LaJune Pitonyak

Archived in the category: General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 18 Dec 14 - 0 Comments

Chamber Directors: Laurie Junek, Beverly Clifton, Darla Parker, Sylvia Rodriguez, Mary Jo Walker, Donnie Klesel, Donna Vuichard, Carolyn Garrison. (Not pictured: Donnie Haynes & Ann Brownlee.)

Not sure how 2014 has passed us by so fast . Monday the 8th was the last Chamber of Commerce meeting of the year, which is always the Annual Christmas Party and Election of Directors for the following year. The Chamber wants to say “THANK YOU” to everyone who helped to make this meeting and party such a success, whether it be decorating, furnishing snacks, and other chores that made everything come together, along with everyone who attended. The Chamber appreciates everyone who put their name on ballot for election of directors for 2015. The directors are the glue that holds the Chamber together. The volunteers are Beverly Clifton, Darla Parker, Laurie Junek, Sylvia Rodriguez, Mary Jo Walker, Donnie Klesel, Donna Vuichard, Carolyn Garrison, Ann Brownlee and Donny Haynes. At the January meeting (Jan. 12, 6:30 p.m., at the POC Community Center) these directors will announce the officers for 2015.

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