Going for the Gold by Jasmine Gordon

Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 12 Jan 12 - 0 Comments

As my heart beat faster and I attempted to catch my breath with each step I took, I began to wonder, “Why, oh, why, did I not continue my faithful exercise routine through out the holiday season?” I had been doing so well… That’s right folks, I have fallen victim to the thought, “I’ll make it up tomorrow.” Alas, tomorrow never came.

“Well – enough is enough,” I thought to myself. As my mind echoed various scenarios of what 2012 had in store, I pondered about the resolutions which we make each and every year. Are they simply meant to be broken? Then I contemplated about how many of us are keeping up with the tradition. As “survey says!” rang in my mind, I set out to find out the facts. These are some of the responses which I received.

Audrey Huddleston, Port Lavaca

Jasmine: Did you make a New Year’s resolution?

Audrey: At age 37, it is clearer than ever to focus on putting God first, family second and then work! So that was my new year’s resolution. So far, so good… regular attendance at a spirit filled church helps to keep my focus on the Lord.

Dwana Finster, Seadrift

Jasmine: Did you make a New Year’s resolution?

Dwana: Yes, my New Year’s resolution is to have a positive attitude and always look for the good. I have a wonderful support system so this is important. I have always tried to make simple but reasonable resolutions so that they could be kept.

Debbie Dugan, Seadrift

Jasmine: Did you make a New Year’s resolution?

Debbie: Yes, I made a resolution this year, but only one: to get more exercise (again). I want to continue my walk/running that I started last year. I really liked it.

Jasmine: Have you kept past years’ resolutions?

Debbie: Depended on if I made my resolution reasonable. If after the New Year, I realized it was unattainable, I let it go and just opted for always trying to better myself in some way, shape or form.

As I received more and more responses, I realized I was not alone. While I am not accustomed to making or keeping New Year’s resolutions, I found it interesting that most people have the same viewpoint.

LaJune Pitonyak, Port O’Connor

Jasmine: Did you make a New Year’s resolution?

LaJune: No, I did not make a resolution. Why would I? I have a very hard time staying on track. And, no I have never made a resolution that I’ve kept or finished, it’s just too easy to say, “Yes, I will have another slice of pie.”

Well said, LaJune, well said! This response along with others, I found extremely comical, yet true.

One of the interviewees replied back, “I just realized I forgot to make a resolution!” Another response held a familiar ring, “Don’t make them. Don’t have to keep up with them!”

So there you have it, ladies and gentlemen… Most of us don’t make resolutions, much less keep them. I am adamant about setting goals whether for each passing year, five years or every decade; somehow resolutions – not so much. Kudos to people such as Audrey, who continue to carry on the tradition. As well, Debbie, who has found a positive outlook on the annual tradition and makes the best of it.

Now, for the question milling around in the back of your mind, where did the origin of this tradition begin? Interesting that you ask.

Babylonians, around 2000 BC

March 23 marked the beginning of the Babylonian New Year celebration which lasted for eleven days. Each day had a special and unique festivity. Historians say present day celebrations are small in comparison.

Romans, 153 B.C.

Ah-ha! The first month of the year was named after Janus, (sound familiar?) the deity of beginnings and the guardian of doors and entrances by the Romans. Janus was deemed to have two faces, one on the front of his head and one on the back; thus he became the ancient symbol for resolutions. While traditions today include eating black eyed peas the Romans gave their enemies gifts such as branches from sacred trees in hopes of forgiveness.

Present day

Welcome 2012! Perhaps if we take minor tasks, daily to-dos and honey-dos, one day at a time we will ultimately reach farther than anticipated and accomplish the goals which we set twelve months prior. While my calves may be sore for the following week, I’m glad I’ve kept my unofficial “resolution” thus far. No matter what occurs, I will continue to go for the gold. I hope you will as well. Email me and let me know how your resolution(s) are progressing. After all, goals are equivalent to resolutions. Whether 2012 or beyond… My goal will someday (hopefully sooner, than later) be achieved. Till next time.

“If we write our dreams and goals down, we dramatically increase our odds of realization. If we share them with others, they become potent and alive.”
~Kristin Armstrong, Full Cup, Mile Markers blog, Runner’s World.com

“Be always at war with your vices,
at peace with your neighbors,
and let each new year find you a better man.”
~Benjamin Franklin

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