Chapel Happenings by Erny McDonough

Archived in the category: General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 15 Aug 13 - 0 Comments

First, I wish to express appreciation to Mr. Walter Fondren, Jr. and Mr. Randy Bright for allowing us to glean from the Poco Bueno and Houston Big Game tournaments. We were able to provide over a ton of fish to needy families. If a meal of fish consists of 8 ounces of protein, we helped provide about 8,000 meals. The Chapel would never be able to accomplish such a feat if not for generous fishermen as well as tournament officials. Of course, we must not forget that we had a lot of hard workers who cleaned, bagged and delivered these potential meals. If I started naming all of them, I would surely leave some out! Oh, yes, thanks Henry, for providing the ice! We look forward to working again next year to help provide food for the needy!

Pastor Joane has been teaching each Wednesday evening at 7:00 p.m. on God-given Gifts. All of us have been gifted and the Bible tells us what these gifts are in Romans 12. With her help, all of us have been able to define our gifting and hopefully this will help us operate better in them.

This past weekend, we at the Chapel celebrated “Christmas with Ric”. Ric Gorden has written a song about how commercialized December 25th has become, and suggests that we celebrate Christ’s birth in August – so we did! We had decorations, Bible classes on Jesus’ birth, and sang carols. To help us remember that it is cooler in December, we concluded our service exchanging “white elephant gifts” and eating Blue Bell! This was a day worth remembering!

Friday Night Youth (FNY) is back in full gear as we get ready for school to begin. Due to our August schedule, we will not have FNY on August 30. All kids are invited to the Chapel from 7:00-10:00 p.m. each Friday night except the first one of each month. There are always friends to “hang with” and food to eat! Come and enjoy these evenings with Julian and Alissa and friends!

Our Retreat Center is coming together in grand fashion. You are welcomed to come by and have Pastor Erny show you this facility that is being built to welcome different interest groups to our area for a time of spiritual and physical renewal. We are still needing different craftsmen to help us complete this project, so please offer to help!

Our services are on Sundays at 10:00 a.m. with Bible Study, 11:00 a.m. with Morning Worship, and 6:00 p.m. for Evening Services. We also meet on Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m. for a time with the Bible. It is almost time for us to begin our FBI classes. FBI stands for “Fisherman’s Bible Institute”. Students can complete a complete Bible survey by attending classes for three years. There are workbooks to complete and two hours of class time weekly. Serious students of the Bible will find FBI a great help to their spiritual development. All interested persons should call Pastor Joane, our instructor, at 983-4240 or 983-2619 for further information.

Fisherman’s Chapel is an interdenominational congregation that is moving forward in our knowledge of God’s Word and a pattern for living a Christian lifestyle. Everyone is welcomed to attend and urged to, “Come, grow with us!”

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