“The Way I See It” is an attempt by the guest columnist to enlighten readers on a subject, as he views it,
and does not necessarily reflect the views of this publication.

Death of the Republic

We are living in a de facto Dictatorship. The Constitution has been systematically ignored for 6 years by the Socialist Democrats. The Obama Administration rules by Executive Order or bureaucratic regulation when they can’t get their way by browbeating Congress and lying to the America people, with the eager assistance of the Lag-Dog Media. When Congress tries to address, expose, and control their excesses, the Congressional investigations are ignored and stonewalled. Whether it is gross criminality in the Dept of Justice like “Fast & Furious” , the IRS malfeasance in denying 501(c)4 to conservative or pro-life groups, unconstitutional searches by NSA or others, or the diplomatic and military incompetence of Benghazi, the Obamunist answer is always a cover-up.

The HolderWaffen Dept of Justice declares legal war on any States that try to do anything about illegal immigration or vote-fraud. Even Calhoun County has a vote-fraud case against a prominent Democrat supposedly under investigation by the local District Attorney’s Office, but most folks expect it to be ‘swept under rug’. After all, this is a ‘Democrat’ county, and vote fraud seems to be an established policy of the Socialist Progressives now controlling the “Democrat” Party. Trickle-down corruption. Hopefully, that can’t happen here; but the proof will be in the prosecution.

The Obama Administration is totally corrupt. They lie about Unemployment by putting unemployed but able-bodied workers on SSI Disability, and thereby reducing the “Unemployed” numbers. There is a current effort to make “the lack of English-speaking ability” a qualifying “Disability”. And how do they intend to pay for this vast expansion of their Welfare State? Print more money ($1.2 Trillion annual deficits), cut the military, and dozens of new taxes. They refuse to authorize the Keystone XL pipeline that even most ‘Democrats’ say would have a huge positive economic impact, but are going to enforce Banking regulations starting July 1 that may lead to the US Dollar no longer being the World’s Reserve Currency. EPA and OSHA continue their attacks on private enterprise, plus contrary to the last decade’s measurable weather, they are determined to enact a massive Global Warming bureaucracy and tax package. That, Amnesty, and “Raising the Minimum Wage” are mostly “Red Herrings” to distract from all the scandals, failures, and incompetence currently under investigation, the inevitable coming money inflation, and possible “banking emergencies”.

In their constant efforts to increase their power, the Progressives have encouraged the present administration to “change” the law by selective enforcement. We are no longer a “Nation of Laws” or practice “equality before the law”. Senator Ted Cruz recently released “The Legal Limit Report #4” ( http://www.cruz.senate.gov/?p=press_release&id=1218 ) that lists 76 “lawless” Obama Administration actions and abuses of power.

“Of all the troubling aspects of the Obama presidency, none is more dangerous than the President’s persistent pattern of lawlessness, his willingness to disregard the written law and instead enforce his own policies via executive fiat,” Cruz stated in the report’s introductory remarks.

“President Obama has openly defied [rule of law] by repeatedly suspending, delaying, and waiving portions of the laws that he is charged to enforce. When President Obama disagreed with federal immigration laws, he instructed the Justice Department to cease enforcing the laws. He did the same thing with federal welfare law, drug laws, and the federal Defense of Marriage Act,” Cruz wrote. “In the more than two centuries of our nation’s history, there is simply no precedent for the White House wantonly ignoring federal law and asking others to do the same.”

The Constitutional duty of the President and the Executive Branch is to enforce the laws passed by Congress, not pick and choose which ones fit their “Agenda”. He is openly supported in his unconstitutional usurpation by the new “Socialist Democrat” Party leadership and their Progressive Media. These are the actions of a dictator, not a President. Obama promised to “fundamentally change America”, and he has. I don’t think our dollar or our Constitutional Republic can survive much more of this.


4 comments for “The Way I See It… Guest Column by William D. Brayshaw, aka Longknife 21”


Very GREAT article Bill. You brought out most of the more obvious ways that Obama is abrogating his duty to America and the US Constitution. There is no way I could have stated it better. Very sad that more people don’t understand or see what is really happening in and too America and its Citizenry. Thank you for your great writing and putting the things into your articles that most people would not have the courage to say.

May 20th, 2014 at 11:54 am
Bill Brayshaw

Thank you for your kind words.
AS for ‘courage’, it is only desperation. This ‘Administration’ is destroying America. It is mostly their ‘Socialist – Progressive’ mind set, and their ‘Social Justice’ education; but the reality is that these people worship their Theories and have absolutely no comprehension of how thing really work in the real world.
They are simply totally ignorant. As the Native American philosopher back in the 80s: “Do not speak to me of a political philosophy that doesn’t grow corn!”.
We are stupid. We convert corn into fuel that is low energy and corrodes the system while people are hungry. This is a political system that rewards a rich industry for wasting food at tax-payer expense for a totally stupid political idea.
But that is the Beltway Buffoonatorium.

May 20th, 2014 at 8:11 pm
Bill Brayshaw

Sorry, incomplete sentence.
The Native America philosopher was called Sun Bear. He said he had his nose broken twice: one by a white man for being an Indian, and the other time by an Indian for be-friending whites.

May 20th, 2014 at 8:35 pm
Michele Bourque

I just wanted to compliment William D. Brayshaw on his recent article entitled “Death of the Republic” published in your May 16, 2014 issue of Dolphin Talk.

I traveled from the Houston area to Seadrift for your recent Shrimpfest. While staying at the Captain’s Quarters, I picked up your paper to pass my time while drinking my morning coffee.

I was enveloped with an accurate account of facts and litany of what has, and is, becoming of our country. We can now add “the dog ate my e-mail” and “here’s that Benghazi guy we’ve been looking for” to that list. Sadly, one cannot find these truths in big city newspapers. It has been many years since I subscribed to the Houston Chronicle, aka, the Propagandist Rag, for that reason. One must leave the big city to find common sense in print media.

I would recommend Mr. Brayshaw’s article to all U.S. citizens who have had their heads in the sand over the past several years to enlighten them to what our President is doing to our country with the assistance of a complicit media.

Michele Bourque
Pasadena, TX.

June 18th, 2014 at 12:01 pm

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