What’s Rockin’ at the Port O’Connor Library by Shirley & Sue

Archived in the category: General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 15 May 14 - 0 Comments

DIVORCE: a nasty word with often a very nasty result; though many times necessary. And is often the subject of many books; one, being REVENGE OF THE MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN as written by Elizabeth Buchanan. The author speaks of her reason in writing this book as this being “the stage of life where one can look back and also forward”. Rose, the ‘heroine’ considers herself a “GOOD WIFE”, mother and now a semi-career woman. But suddenly her husband of 25 years tells her he is moving out as he has found someone else- a much younger woman. How Rose reacts to these changes in her life; including the loss of her position as a book editor for a major newspaper; is the major plot of this book. Working her way through depression and self-deprecation; pity; and then the actual shaking of herself to step forward once again and reverse those pitfalls becomes the thrust of this story; all written with a slight comedic touch. And revenge is there. A fun book to read but also very thought provoking; especially if the reader has lived through a divorce.

IT’S THAT TIME AGAIN! Time to consider enrolling your child in the Summer Reading Program at our Library. Enrollment begins NOW; see Miss Shirley for help and information. The reading contest begins June 3 through July 12th; and special mornings featuring various speakers will start on Tuesday, June 17th at 10:30 a.m. at our Library. Available to POC youngsters from the ages of 2 through 13. Hope to see lots of new enrollees!

Lisa Gardner is a favorite author; she has the ability to reach the reader and hold constant attention to not just the plot but the characters as well. And her latest, FEAR NOTHING really achieves that. Dr. Adeline Glen, a psychiatrist, is one of those extremely unfortunate people who cannot feel pain of any kind; a genetic condition that applies only to an extremely small percentage of the population. The doctor has established a practice of pain management with techniques as used by the Internal Family Systems, including naming your pain. Boston Detective, D.D. Warren due to an extremely painful injury suffered in a current case becomes her patient and her friend as both become involved in the Rose Murders.

The plot marches and marches with several fascinating twists; Ms. Gardner’s analyses of her characters’ development are outstanding; however, despite a somewhat sympathetic feeling towards some of them, I certainly wouldn’t want them close by. A good book to read; one that definitely holds your attention; but don’t stay up late at night to finish it.

DON’T FORGET: We have several shelves of books for sale; hardcover for $1.00 and softcover for $0.25. These books are great to take along when traveling; this means, you never have to worry about a due date! Come check us out; you just might find your favorite author with a book you missed!

“When an old person dies, a Library burns down!” – Karin Gillespie

This was a quote I found in a book by Ms. Gillespie, and discovered how very true it is with the loss of several older people, including my mother-in-law recently.

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