Chapel Happenings by Erny McDonough

Archived in the category: General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 20 Jun 20 - 0 Comments

May has already turned into June and the schedule remains extreme! We continue meeting each Lord’s Day at 10:00 a.m. for Bible Study; 11:00 a.m. for our Morning Service; and 6:00 p.m. for the Evening Service. Our Fisherman’s Bible Institute (FBI) meets on Tuesday from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. for intense Bible teaching by Pastor Joane. She is presently teaching from the Gospel of Mark. Each Wednesday evening at 7:00 p.m. we gather for midweek inspiration. There is congregational singing and a special message from God’s Word. Everyone is welcomed to attend any of these services.

June has been extra busy with two very important happenings. On Friday, June 5, we helped lay Brother Kenneth Smith in burial. Brother Kenneth and Sister Kathy came to the Chapel about twelve years ago and Sister Kathy provided our piano music. Brother Kenneth was almost immediately elected to our Board of Directors and was truly a special part of the leadership team at the Chapel. When Sister Kathy died in 2012, Brother Kenneth continued serving here in many ways. Each of our Directors is given an area of leadership. Brother Kenneth’s assignment was to pray daily for the Pastorial family. He was always very faithful and would often call to check on us and see if therer were any special needs. Often he would personally take care of things he saw around the Chapel that could use his expertise. He rarely ever missed any of the activities of the church and was always extremely kind. At the beginning of 2019, Brother Kenneth had to move with his son Pastor Brad Smith to Midland for his care. The phone calls and prayers never stopped, even through he was getting very low. He will always be remembered here for his faithfulness, his clever wit, and his huge smile. Heaven is richer, but earth is poorer because of Brother Kenneth’s move to Glory! We miss him very much and our Chapel family mourns his promotion!

On Sunday, June 7,, we had the honor of dedicating one-year-old Ross Allen Ebner. His parents, Will and Jordan Ebner, brought him to the Chapel to be dedicated to the Lord. Ross’ sister, Joelle Ellizabeth (JoJo) was dedicated on August 5, 2018, here at the Chapel. Will and Jordan have moved to the Dallas area now, so we are especially honored to have them make the long trip for us to have an opportunity to be a part of the family’s celebration. Tommy and Elaine Ebner, JoJo’s grandparents, have a home in Port O’Connor and have been special friends of the Chapel for many years. It was such an honor for us to be asked to help Will and Jordan in their effort to lead their children in the ways of the Lord. Many parents do not understand this very important service the church performs for children and anyone with questions or who have a desire to dedicate their children to the Lord should contact Pastor Joane or Erny. We believe it will help any family who wishes to help their child in their personal relationship with the Lord.

Captain Robert is back at the Chapel for another Sea Academy Class. There has been an ongoing relationship between the Chapel and Sea Academy since 2000. Many boat captains have received their training and earned their licenses from attending one of these classes. The next class is scheduled to begin on August 21 and conclude on August 28, 2020. All who may be interested in this opportunity to take the class here in Port O’Connor should contact Captain Robert at 361/758/6184.

Fathers’ Day will be a special event at the Chapel. Every year we have given each dad present a special gift. This year will be on exception. We will be honoring each Father and his family, so we encourage June 21, to come as a family to the Chapel and let us honor dads in a special way!

Men’s activities continue on the Saturday following Fathers’ Day, June 27. At 8:30 a.m. we will share a Men’s Breakfast together. It will be an old fashioned breakfast and will be a time of fellowship. Also, there will be a devotional designed with men in mind. It will be a special and all are welcome!

Fisherman’s Chapel is an interdenominational congregation whose goal is to help individuals and families find their way through this life and successfully make eternity with Jesus a reality! Everyone is warmly welcomed and all are urged to, “Come, grow with us!”

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