Port Lavaca Art Guild Begins 50th Year With New Classes

Archived in the category: Announcements, General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 15 Dec 11 - 0 Comments

Port Lavaca Art Guild, which was organized in 1962, will begin their 50th year by expanding their classes to include Winter Arts and Crafts Classes. Beginning in January they will have new classes in ceramics and pottery, jewelry making and crochet, in addition to their regularly scheduled painting classes. Winter Texans living in the area are extended an invitation to join the classes, along with year-around residents. Equipment and most tools will be provided for use in the classroom at the Port Lavaca Art Guild Studio at 308 E. Mahan in Port Lavaca. Students will pay for tuition and materials used for their projects.

The ceramic and pottery classes will be taught by Jane and Gill Gilmore who have over 30 years experience teaching a whole range of techniques including pouring ceramic projects, hand building pottery by coiling, slab building and pinching, and how to use a potter’s wheel. Students will learn how to finish projects with stain, glaze or leave them in their natural state.

Making Jewelry on the Go will be taught by Barbara Burkett. Students will learn to make jewelry using a minimum of tools discovering how to use found or re-purposed tools. In January she will teach how to make basic components and coils to use in designing original jewelry. In February and March, students will learn to forge, texture and etch metals to use in their designs. They’ll use inexpensive copper and brass wire and sheet metal. No sawing or soldering will be required.

Janice Blake, who is skilled in crochet, will teach beginner’s basic crochet stitches and how to read and follow instructions to create a project.

Classes taught year-around that students may join for the winter, are oil painting taught by teachers Patty Lowrie, who specializes in portraits, and Tommy Thompson, who is known for his glazing and smooth canvas techniques, and watercolor classes taught by Barbara Burkett.

One-half of enrollment in each class will be reserved for winter residents until seven days before a class begins. A deposit of $25 is required to reserve a place in class.

Brochures about the Winter Classes are available from Port Lavaca Chamber of Commerce or on-line at www.PLArtGuild.com For more information, e-mail plartguild@hotmail.com or phone 361/550-8057 or 552-5835.

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