America the Great By Erny McDonough

Archived in the category: Featured Writers, General Info
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 21 Jun 12 - 0 Comments

A few months ago, I was at the check-in station at the Veteran’s Clinic in Victoria. They asked me what health insurance I had. “I have what was promised me when I was discharged from the Army. You are my health insurance!” was my reply. “Well, this is not the same Army you served,” was the answer. I heard an older gentleman, well he was probably in his 80’s, say, “It ain’t your grandpa’s America anymore!”

Shocking changes have occurred in our culture in the past generation or two. Today America is a land of people who are losing hope. American Christians think the “unreached people groups” are in Asia, Latin America, and Africa. But our nation is a land where it is becoming a liability to be called a Christian. We have so many disillusioned teens, addicts, homeless, disaster victims, and cynical college students that Jesus seems no longer to be the society’s answer.

U.S. News and World Report estimated more than 3 million crimes per year are committed in or near the nation’s 85,000 public schools. We now have about 3 million people in our jails and prisons.

A University of Michigan study reports 9 percent of America’s eighth-graders carry a gun, knife, or club to school at least once a month. In all, an estimated 275,000 guns go to school every day.

In a single year in America, the average 16-year-old will witness 15,000 sex acts and references on television.

Since 1960, the rate of illegitimate births in America has climbed by 419 percent. And our churches are no insurance policy against promiscuous sexual activity – a study conducted by Josh McDowell reveals 43 percent of teenagers attending church regularly have sexual intercourse by age 19.

The radical changes in our society have made the work of teaching morality more crucial than ever in America. However, as dark as statistics like this may seem, the only brilliance of hope that exists today is that America will return to being the light of the world.

One of the greatest problems I witness in our society is the negativity that outshines the truth. We have problems in America, but it is only when we are not part of the answer that we become part of the problem. Instead of talking “down” our nation, I believe that if we will begin allowing our spirits to soar with the joys of our great nation, we will see its greatness return.

There are six ways to help change our personal attitudes about the bad we see everywhere we look:

1. Get right with our Creator. When we feel that we are who we have been made to be, then we see things in better light! When we are doing things we know are below our natures, we see the clouds instead of the sunshine. God is so interested in us personally that He is reaching out to us all the time, wanting an intimate encounter with us; so allow it to happen, and we will begin seeing America in a different light.

2. Let go of things that drag us down.
Loosen up. Enjoy life. Get out of the driver’s seat and allow God to take charge. Trust Him. Don’t worry. Don’t critically judge others (that’s God’s task). A judgemental spirit precludes a truly joyful one. Allow God to bear the weight of your past life, because your enemy delights in condemnation, but God delights in forgiveness.

3. Praise. We must learn to exalt those around us throughout the day. People are doing some remarkable things. Just this morning, I heard a 5 year old boy on national television sing Lee Greenwood’s song, “I’m Proud to Be an American”, without missing a single word! That is truly praiseworthy! Look at what was accomplished recently when our community came together to bless our Wounded Warriors! We are making a difference – spotlight that! Remember the sound of the tone made by tapping a glass depends on its fullness. When we are full of joyful praise, others will hear it!

4. Pursue Wholeness.
Why are so many of us living at levels that are far below where we want to be? If we would work hard at accomplishing what we believe will make who we were created to be, then we could be like the young lady from North Carolina, who, although abandoned by her parents, worked hard to keep herself and her school work going, recently received a full scholarship to Harvard University.

5. View negative circumstances as opportunities.
The past couple of weeks, I have been teaching that it is the devil that tempts us to do wrong and the Lord who tests us. Temptations are meant to make us fail, but tests are brought our way to show us just how good we can do! God has promised that every negative circumstance we face will have a successful outcome when we allow Him to guide our lives. God has something good to bring us from whatever life throws at us!

6. Count blessings.
Could things be better? YES! Could things be worse? YES! Now, on which do we want to concentrate? I choose to count my blessings, and I do not see as clearly those things I could curse!

America is still the greatest nation on planet earth! Even with all its problems, people are dying every day attempting to become a part of our great “melting pot”! If we will just get an “attitude adjustment” about our great America, I believe we will also sing, “God bless America” with the same fervor as those who sang it with Irvin Berlin, who wrote it in 1938!

“And I’m proud to be an American, where at least I know I’m free.
And I won’t forget the men who died, who gave that right to me.
And I gladly stand up, next to you and defend her still today.
‘ Cause there ain’t no doubt I love this land,
God bless the USA.”

Lee Greenwood

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