“The Way I See It” is an attempt by the guest columnist to enlighten readers on a subject, as he views it, and does not necessarily reflect the views of this publication.

Obamanomics and “Sequester”
and the 25 DHS Light Armored Brigades

“In January, Americans suffered the biggest plunge in monthly personal income in 20 years, erasing $505.5 billion of wealth from their wallets.” http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2013/03/02/Americans-Suffer-Biggest-Monthly-Income-Drop-In-20-Years

This is also coupled with reports that the top 10% of taxpayers now pay 72% of the taxes. The “Sequester” of forced spending reductions that was Obama’s promise of spending reductions back last summer to get the foolish and gullible Republicans to agree to yet another hike in the Debt Ceiling without a huge political fight in the middle of his re-election campaign, is the big news story. Team Obama had 7 months to come up with strategies to reduce the deficit spending by a miniscule amount, and the ‘strategy’ is: “Blame the Republicans! They won’t give him all the money he wants. Bad! Bad! Bad!”. The money doesn’t exist, Bambi, and you have already spent $6 Trillion that we didn’t have. But that’s what happens with a Liberal/Socialist administration that has refused to pass a budget for 4 years.

The Obama Sequester threats include cut-backs for police and fire-fighters (paid by state and local govts and taxes), teachers (paid by local school districts and taxes), Medicare (already seriously cut to fund Obama-Care), defense (true- under the Obama Plan $46 billion of the $85 billion must come from defense) and dozens of other Emergencies-of-the-Day. In the midst of all this ‘Economic Disaster’ rhetoric, there is plenty of money to pay $124,000 per hour for Air Force One to fly all over the country so he can give speeches on why the Evil Rethuglicans need to raise taxes, again. Also for badly needed vacations. Separate vacations. But Obama refuses to even consider a cut in the increases in welfare programs and is fighting to totally do away with the work requirement required by law under President Clinton. Our Campaigner-in-Chief has 5 super-carriers tied up in Norfolk while his Kerry led foreign policy stumbles toward nuclear war in the Middle East. Forward! The estimated cost of ObamaCare has already tripled (from $900 billion to $2.7 trillion) and it hasn’t even gone into effect yet. Forward!

“Someone” in the administration ordered 2,000 illegal aliens held for deportation (criminals?) released, because of sequester cut-backs that hadn’t even happened yet. Big Sis Janet Napolitano says she didn’t give the order, so who did? Now they are claiming that necessary cut-backs in TSA personnel are delaying commercial flights. But no cuts for Obama or Biden’s security details for their constant campaigning for more taxes and gun control. At the same time John Kerry gave Egypt $250 million and Pakistan $37 million in new “aid”. And the Congressional Budget office revealed that Obama “borrowed” $253.5 billion in February alone, nearly six times as much as the $44 billion in spending cuts the Congressional Budget Office estimates will take place in all of fiscal 2013 as a result of sequestration. Big Sis is still threatening to release more detained illegals.

Where did all the DHS money go? Big Sis and DHS issued purchase orders for 1.9 billion rounds of ammo. Their total annual requirement for all agencies is approx. 1.5 million rounds for training and tactical use, so why does she now need what some experts have estimated as 24 times the small arms ammo used in Iraq and Afghanistan? 3/4/13 news brings us another gem. DHS has bought 2717 MRAPs, described by the Media as ‘light tanks’. See: http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2013/03/obama-dhs-purchases-2700-light-armored-tanks-to-go-with-their-1-6-billion-bullet-stockpile/ There is a video at the link. Note the language in the video: The DHS commander refers to his men as “operators” not “officers”. These are mercenaries, not police officers sworn to the Constitution. Loyal only to their paychecks? So, in spite of all the whining of no money for the children, the aged, and medical care or even TSA gropers because of the Sequester, there is money for 25 Light Armored Brigades for DHS? I’m figuring 1 per squad, 4 squads per platoon, 3 maneuver platoons per company (12), 3 maneuver companies (plus HQ co.) per Battalion (36), and 3 battalions per Brigade (108). That is a lot of combat effectives. And 17 still left over for Big Sis’ personal Shutz Staffel. Also note that the hatch is installed ready for a M-2HB .50cal MG, 7.62X51 Dillon Minigun, Honeywell 40mm full-auto grenade launcher, or any of the smaller MGs single or dual. They could probably dig up some old Vietnam era 106mm recoiless rifle to bolt on them. They didn’t want to show you that yet. Wonder why?? Those and the ammo will greatly add to the price tag. Which is $1 million plus, each, for the basic model.

Isn’t it nice that Big Sis and Obama Daddy are so concerned with our safety and security? I wonder if they can now over-power the gangs in Chicago, and LA, and DC, etc. etc. LOL! Fat chance! Not for use against potential Obama-Voters! Or illegal aliens. Or Islamofascist “Freedom Fighters”. No, these are to protect the ObamaCorp kids when they go house to house to collect your guns, money, food, toilet paper, or anything else they want that you might be hoarding.

Why don’t they put more Suburbans and Border Patrol agents on the border instead of buying these over-priced monstrosities to intimidate honest citizens? Is it just me, or do others also think Congress should have some oversight on new weapons systems and ammo purchases for DHS? They do for the real military. They should de-fund the MRAPS and about 95% of the ammo purchases. This stinks, not only of totalitarianism, but some crony kick-back scheme, or some other political ploy*, the numbers are too big.

Furthermore, Obama has ordered, “Make the Sequester cuts hurt!”, but hurt who? The military, the economy, average Americans at every turn. Watch the news. No White House tours, but plenty of money for 20 car motorcades to go 6 blocks for dinner. And Robo-squirrels. PBS. NPR. Insane. The list goes on….

* The DHS ammo purchases have definitely caused shortages in the civilian ammo market. The priority is 1. Military, 2. Law Enforcement, 3. Civilian, however Law Enforcement needs have never before had any real impact on ammo supplies.

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