Thirty-two years ago this December, the POC Community Service Club staged their very first Christmas Luncheon for the Senior members of our community. Under the chairmanship of Emma Powers, the first President of the Service Club, and held in the original Community Center, a portion of our existing Volunteer Fire Station, Club members devised and prepared an outstanding menu of food delights to share with their guests. That year approximately 20 residents arrived to enjoy this early Christmas celebration of shared food, a decorated Christmas tree, and remembered moments of camaraderie with all.

Year after year the Club scheduled and prepared for this event; when the Community Center became too small, the luncheon was held at the local churches, each year in succession. I’ve been told that it became quite a sight in our area to see a truck laden with a Christmas tree and various ornaments and other decorations drooping over the sides as it then “schlepped” it’s way to the previously decorated Church Hall. This truck then led a procession of the many cars of the Club members as they followed bearing the entrees and other foods for the Luncheon as the delicious aromas of all these wonderful foods wafted from the windows of each vehicle. The menu for those early Christmas Luncheons would range from chicken spaghetti to a world famous chicken and dumplings casserole that were then emptied in a unbelievable rate. Sumptuous desserts with coffee then followed these super-fantastic entrees at which the guests and members would then wish to each a very Merry Christmas.

With the completion of the new and huge Community Center, the Club was then able to hold an even larger and more extensive luncheon for the enjoyment of their guests, as it will be again this year. Although for a number of years Pat Ekstrom and Pat Turk have been in charge of the menu and serving of the food for this annual event, this year the honors have gone to Becky Carville as assisted by Marie Hawes, Mary Thumann, Judy Overton and last year’s, Chairman, Pat Ekstrom. This year’s menu will duplicate again a previous menu of ham and brisket as accompanied by various vegetables and salads with a mouth watering display of Cajun Yams (accompanied with pecans and a saucing of cane syrup, butter and orange), mashed potatoes with lots of butter and sour cream, and the sumptuous display of desserts. Prior to the serving of these delicious foods, the children from our Elementary School will once again arrive to perform many of the old Christmas medleys to the enjoyment of all present.

Last year’s decorations became a compilation of several years that previously adorned the tables; and under the direction of both Joyce Jordan and Sue Kubecka they have been assembling more nutcrackers that totally consume the eye. Additionally, there will be Santas, and beautifully designed Angels from years’ past. Those angels were crafted and made by the stunningly artistic talent of Dorothy Fairchild, and we certainly hope to see her charming face at our luncheon this year; she really deserves a proper thank you. And if you see a few chubby snowmen on a table or several small bears with stockings, you will know that this is definitely the Christmas Season. But please remember to stop and admire the exquisite and painstakingly handcrafted Santa Claus puzzle that had been assembled by Linda Klein, a previous member, and her husband Bernie prior to her passing. This puzzle has become a place of honor in our Christmas Hall as it is surrounded with other greenery and often several poinsettias to highlight its stature.

But you may ask, why do the members of this organization go to the time and trouble and expense to put on a luncheon like this each year? The answer is a very simple one: this is our way of thanking the residents of POC for their support of our projects throughout each year. And we do have various projects: some big and extensive, others smaller and less time consuming. Each one is dedicated to providing a service of some kind to our community, our home and an area that we prize each day. And, so therefore, we attempt in this small way to show our appreciation to so many businesses and people who have always been there to help us in return.

As our event is entitled the Club’s Christmas Luncheon for the Senior Citizens of this Community, we have been asked many times to define “Senior Citizen”. There is really not a definitive answer to that of a certain age or quality; one would guess that it would qualify as someone over the age of 50. And I’m certain that I would need to get further definition of that age from either our President or other members, though I doubt I’d ask.

However, we look forward to your presence at this Luncheon in particular this year and we welcome the owners or representatives of the many local businesses who very kindly let us use your walls of your business or supply us with that extra special help in our projects. For more information, please contact Ms. Janet Johnson, President, 983-4737. And, if any resident needs a ride to the Luncheon or would prefer to have the meal delivered to your home, contact Ms. Marie Hawes, 983-2322. We look forward to your presence and smiling face on Friday, December 6, 2013, at 10:30+ a.m.

In the meantime, do remember:

“Christmas is a’comin’. The geese are getting fat.
Please to put a penny in an old man’s hat.
If you ha’nt got a penny; A ha’ penny will do;
If you ha’nt got a ha’ penny; May God bless you!”
See you on Friday, the 6th of December, 2013!

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