Reflections by Phil Ellenberger

Archived in the category: Featured Writers, General Info, Reflections
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 20 Feb 14 - 0 Comments

The winter Olympics will end on the 23rd of February. Sometimes the winter in Sochi was warmer than right here in Calhoun county and for sure it was warmer and nicer than it was on the East coast for many of the days of the Olympics.

Fortunately, the official end of winter will not be so many days after that. Winter finally ends in the late part of March. At least, we hope so. This has been one of the nastiest winters in a long time. This guy and the fuel budget are ready for some relief. March used to be when the flowers started popping up and the winds were not such blue norther type winds that we have had so many of this year. At least so far we haven’t had snow. But just before Valentine’s Day there was snow on the ground in 49 of the 50 United States. This climate change stuff is more than just worldwide warming. Even the sun is in one of its “cooler phases.” But change the Climate will.

Along with spring and March often comes kite flying. One weekend in the spring over in Rhode Island there was a hill overlooking the Atlantic, or maybe the bay leading to the Atlantic, where I saw about a hundred people flying all kinds of kites. That is the kind of sight I long to see as soon as possible.

Some of you may recall the old saying, “Go fly a kite.” Normally, one uses that saying to tell someone to bug out of here we don’t want you around. Well this year I would say it because what I want to bug out of here is that incessant overcast sky and the near freezing weather so one can fly a kite instead of huddle by the fire or wear heavy coats to go to the mail box. Then to fly a kite will be fun.

I guess someone told Ben Franklin to go fly a kite way back before the revolution. He was the kind of guy who just didn’t meekly bug out when you said go. He, after all , was not only a statesman and the author of Poor Richards Almanac but he was a Curious George kind of guy.

He said if I am going to fly a kite, I am going to find out what that lightning stuff that comes with spring storms is made of. So, instead of string he used wire and a key. What he found out was lightning is electricity. Now I don’t know if that was any help in lighting up his house but it did fill up his Leyden jar with electricity and might even have shocked him a little.

If I go fly a kite I am not going to check out what lightning is but I will sure be happy that there is no more winter. I didn’t move South to enjoy the coldness of winter, pretty much the opposite.

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