We Salute Our Veterans! by Tanya DeForest

Archived in the category: General Info
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 20 Oct 22 - 0 Comments

With Veterans Day nearing, it is a good time to remember those among us who have so valiantly served our country. This issue we feature three of our Veterans, two from Port O’Connor and one from Seadrift – just three of the brave in our community.

Bob Allen & Noelle Munsey
Two people from entirely different backgrounds, Bob Allen and Noelle Munsey, had the same story to tell about their time in the service. Bob served three years in the Coast Guard and Noelle was in the Navy eight years. Bob had his career put on hold in order to serve. Noelle gave up being with family, friends, and the comforts of home. But Noelle says, “It was truly an honor to serve my country, while it was a sacrifice.”

Bob, a native Texan, is from Victoria County. Noelle, Bob’s caregiver, is from the Midwest. Upon retirement, Bob settled permanently in Port O’Connor some 15 or more years ago. He spoke fondly of his wife, Bell, and recounted how they would spend time together in the great outdoors! They were married over sixty-five years and have one son, Roy. Bob turns 91 in October.

Noelle has been in Port O’Connor fifteen months. While in the Navy she was a RM3 which had to do with ship to shore communications.

While Bob was in the Coast Guard in 1950 to 1953 he served as a Navigation Aid on a lightship. A lightship is a ship designed specifically as a navigational aid for maritime use. Just like the illustration with this article the name of the lightship that Bob served on had the name “Relief” on it. Bob enjoyed talking about his experiences while serving on a lightship.

Both Bob and Noelle served at duty stations on the West Coast. Bob was stationed in Seattle. Noelle was in Palo Alto, California.

We salute their service to our country, land of the free and home of the brave!

The Lightship, “Relief”

The Lightship, “Relief”

Paola Martinez
Meet Paola Martinez. She teaches first grade at the Seadrift School, has one daughter Eliana, and has a story to tell!
Born in the Dominican Republic she is proud of the fact that she “came to America July 3, 1992.” She was seven years old when she started second grade at St. John’s Catholic School in Leonia, New Jersey. It was her first American School.

Fast forward to after her graduation from high school and you will find Paola going into the Navy in 2003. Her first assignment was on the ship “USS Grasp” which was a rescue and salvage ship. This ship was the first ship to come to the rescue when John Kennedy Jr.’s plane crashed on the east coast. Paola was a deck seawoman on this ship. Her job involved maintenance and custodial care. She had several near-death experiences while working on the deck of this ship.

After being certified as a culinary specialist Paola was assigned to the “USS Bomhome-Richard.” Some of Paola’s favorite dishes are lasagna and spaghetti.

After spending four years in the Navy Paola received an honorable discharge in 2007. She spent another four years working as a secretary at Patti Welder Middle School in Victoria. Afterwards she earned an associate degree at UHV. Paola has been teaching since 2020.

About her military service Paola says, “Serving in the military was one of the greatest blessings in my life. It changed my life for the better. It provided structure, discipline, and direction for my life.”

Way to go, Paola!!

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