Chapel Happenings by Erny McDonough

Archived in the category: General, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 16 Nov 23 - 0 Comments

Are we ready? The noble opportunity of praising the Lord is upon us! Pastor Joane and I have been preaching through the Bible and have finally arrived in the Psalms. The last Psalm 150 has truly touched a chord with me. Having to fight a rather nasty cold this week with typical congestion, the last sentence of this psalm speaks to me (Let everything that have breath praise the Lord.) With a full lung or partial lung, I am honored to praise the Lord!

We celebrated with the whole community at First Baptist at the annual Community Thanksgiving Service. We were singing, praying, giving, and listening to a great message of faith; then going to the fellowship hall and enjoying each other’s company. We commend the church for its great friendship and expertise making all this happen. Thanks seems like a simple expression but it is the best we have.

We will be purchasing all the items for the Thanksgiving baskets and many willing workers will be filling them and distributing them to needy families in our community. The most frustrating thing about setting up this project is not in the wondering that there be sufficient funds. It is not in the hopes that people will show up to help (some will take a day of vacation to help). The most frustrating thing is that I am certain that the most needy among us will not receive our help. Please, when finding a needy family get them to make contact so that they can receive a basket.

December 10th is the deadline to register for a Christmas basket. They will be distributed on December 19th. We have a longer Christmas break for Calhoun schools this year and we want to add extra for it. Remember, our goal is to feed the needy and not the greedy.

A few years ago, I asked a grade school aged child the meaning of Christmas. The quick response was “presents.” How so insightful! Christmas has been advertised as many different things. The true meaning of Christmas is found in John 3:16, “God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son.” The greatest gift came wrapped in a blanket. Once we have passed through “Thanksgiving,” we will readily embrace the Christ child.

The Chapel has many special things happening this holiday season and every person is welcomed to be a part. We are an interdenominational congregation who seeks to be a loving fellowship of followers of Jesus. We meet on each Sunday at 10:00 a.m. for Bible Study, 11:00 a,m, for morning service, and 6:00 p.m. for evening service. Each Wednesday, we have a fellowship meal at 7:00 p.m. followed by a time of breaking the Bread of Life. Everyone is urged to be apart of the Chapel’s activities and all are urged to “come and grow with us.

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