Garden Club by Darla Miles

Archived in the category: General, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 14 Mar 24 - 0 Comments

Adrian Han and Brigid Berger

Adrian Han and Brigid Berger

Has anyone had a million things to do lately but ignore them and tend to your plants instead? Many folks identify with you and agree they are “procrasti planting.”

Please feel free to visit our community garden and see the improvements. It is located at 16th and Harrison. Enter at the back. Our butterfly garden is finished and ready for planting. A decorative border of painted, repurposed wood should attract many butterflies.

Twenty people attended the February 20th meeting at the Multipurpose Room to enjoy an educational lecture with Brigid Berger about Purple Martins. Did you know Port O’Connor is considered the Gateway for Purple Martin migration? The attendees learned so much about these beautiful songbirds that travel from Brazil and stage all the way to Canada.

Many topics were discussed: migration, how to begin and maintain a colony, threats and how to conserve the species.
Brigid introduced local resident Adrian Han who also shared her knowledge and experiences as a Purple Martin Conservation Association Scout-Arrival Study participant. What a fantastic opportunity to learn from people with firsthand experience!

Both ladies provided valuable insights into the migration patterns, behavior, and habitat preferences of Purple Martins, which are essential for their conservation. Their extensive knowledge and experiences as participants in the Scout-Arrival Study certainly enriched the group discussion. Much was learned from people actively involved in conservation efforts
Hopefully, attendees are inspired to become more engaged in protecting these birds and their habitats. S

Butterfly Garden

Butterfly Garden

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