Happy Spring to All! by Rich Schaller

Archived in the category: Featured Writers, General
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 14 Mar 24 - 0 Comments

As I write, I’m looking at a painting of a single tree upon which all four seasons of the year are depicted. On the far-left side of the tree the new life of spring is evident on the tips of the branches. On the next quarter of the tree and to the center of its trunk through its lush green foliage the fullness of summer is on display. Just past the center of the trunk and to the right, the next quarter of the tree is covered in the multicolored beauty of fall and finally, upon the last quarter of the tree lies the cold witness of winter as snow rests on the branches – where life was once on display in all its fullness and glory rests a few clinging leaves as a reminder of the life that was.

The seasons on display in that artwork strike a chord with me – as human life goes, each of those seasons occur only once. Of course, we are going to have our ups and downs; our joys and our sorrows in life – seasons if you will and of course we’ll experience (by God’s mercy) many seasonal cycles in our lives. But in our human existence (at best) we will experience only one spring (birth and childhood), one summer (teen to early middle age), fall (late middle age), and winter (our twilight years).


The thing I loved about spring when I was a child is that winter ALWAYS gives way to spring. The death of winter cannot stop the Tulips and Hyacinth from shooting up from the snow-covered ground and the fragrance of that season of new life is like nothing else! Its why I loved winters in Buffalo, New York as brutal as they may be – they ALWAYS gave way to spring! Just when you think you’ve had enough of the cold, new life breaks through.

The season of Spring not only ushers in new life in nature, the season of spring marks a spiritual transition from death to life as well. Jesus Christ the eternal Son of God, whose incarnation (or birth) we just remembered a week after winter solstice (the shortest day of the year) on Christmas was born for our sakes – yours and mine. The work He did, the things that He suffered, and the cross that He was executed on were to pay the price for our sins. As I told someone recently, Jesus jumped in front of the bullet that was meant for me so that I could live on.

He took your bullet too.

But Jesus Christ did not stay dead. His death on the cross would have meant nothing and accomplished nothing if He had not also risen again from the tomb in which His dead body had been laid. Because He lives (as the hymnist wrote) I not only “can face tomorrow” but one day, my winter (my death) will give way to an eternal spring. I didn’t earn it (neither can you) and I don’t deserve it (neither do you) but by faith in Jesus Christ – forgiveness of sin and eternal life can be had by anyone who is led to ask God for them.

There is an expression that I’ve heard many times which goes like this: “Born once, die twice. Born twice, die once.” In the third chapter of John, Jesus says to a certain man who came to Him (John 3:3) “Unless a man is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.” Simply stated, the man had already been born naturally just as you and I have been; what he needed is what some of you may still need – a spiritual birth.

My hope is that as you enjoy the sounds and aromas of springtime, you would awaken from your spiritual winter to the new life awaiting you in Jesus Christ.

Happy Easter! He is risen! He is risen indeed!

We’ll talk again soon!
Brother Rich

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